Human Rights and Digital Technologies Symposium

Eileen Donahoe Participates in Human Rights and Digital Technologies Symposium
April 2020- Eileen Donahoe partipated in the Human Rights and Digital Technologies hosted by the Committee on Human Rights of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (the National Academies) on September 18, 2019.
Watch highlight reel and read Proceedings-in-brief.
"Digital technologies provide a means of anticipating, analyzing, and responding to human rights concerns, but they also present human rights challenges. These technologies have expanded opportunities for individuals and organizations to mobilize, document, and advocate, including around human rights and humanitarian crises; however, with these opportunities come certain concerns. Digital technologies have, for instance, been used to spread disinformation, surveil human rights defenders, and promote and incite violence. Discrimination in the use of, and access to, digital technologies presents another serious concern."