3rd Annual Trust & Safety Research Conference announced for September 26-27, 2024
3rd Annual Trust & Safety Research Conference announced for September 26-27, 2024
Presentation proposals and abstracts due April 30, 2024

The Stanford Internet Observatory will host its third annual Trust & Safety Research Conference on September 26-27, 2024 at Stanford University. The conference brings together trust and safety researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, civil society, and government. The conference aims to advance research in trust and safety while fostering the exchange of ideas across various disciplines, including computer science, communication, policy, law, and political science, as well as lived experiences. General conference registration will open in June 2024. Sign up to be notified when registration opens.
The Stanford Internet Observatory invites presentation proposals covering a wide range of topics related to online safety including but not limited to topics exploring the intersection of trust and safety with gaming, generative artificial intelligence, elections and regulatory approaches to online platforms . Examples of accepted presentations from 2022 and 2023 are available in the archived agendas. Proposals are due April 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM PT.
We are soliciting five types of proposals:
- Lightning Talk: A 5 minute presentation accompanied by slides. One speaker per talk.
- Research Presentation: A 12 minute presentation with slides with no more than two speakers.
- Poster: Ideal for students who want to share their research with attendees. The conference organizers will print all posters for participants. The poster session will be held at the happy hour on the first day of the conference and has been well-attended at previous conferences.
- Participant-Organized Panel: A 60 minute discussion on a specific theme, featuring 3-4 panelists and a facilitator. Proposals should include the names of all presenters, panel structure, and topic.
- Workshop: A 60-90 minute interactive session with clear learning objectives.
Presenters will also be eligible for discounted tickets for the conference. We strive to notify all applicants of decisions by May 31, 2024.
Conference Proceedings
The Journal of Online Trust & Safety will publish Conference Proceedings for the Trust & Safety Research Conference. Paper submissions for the Conference Proceedings are due May 1, 2024. Authors with accepted papers in the Conference Proceedings will be given the opportunity to present at the conference. You may submit to both the proceedings and the conference call.
What are the selection criteria for presentations?
We prioritize proposals that meet the following criteria:
- The abstract clearly articulates the research question and findings
- The submission explicitly benefits trust and safety as a field and/or practice
- The submission introduces new voices and/or perspectives
- The proposal is not a product pitch
I would like to present co-authored work at the conference. Should all of us submit an application to present? If accepted, can we present jointly?
The lead author should submit the application form. The application has a place for the lead author to provide the name(s), email(s), and institutional affiliation(s) for coauthors. If the proposal is accepted for a research presentation, two individuals can co-present. If the proposal is accepted for a lightning talk, only one person can present. Please do not submit the same research more than once under different authors.
Can I submit more than one proposal?
We encourage you to submit only one proposal prioritizing the work you are most interested in presenting. You are welcome to submit more than one proposal, but we are unlikely to accept more than one presentation from the same presenter.
Is there travel funding available for presenters?
Unfortunately we are not able to provide travel funding to presenters. We do offer presenters a discount on their conference registration, and are happy to provide a letter verifying that you presented should it be required for institutional reimbursement.
I would like to present at the conference. Do I need to submit a paper to the Journal of Online Trust and Safety?
No. Most conference presentations will be from people who do not have an article in the journal.
I submitted a paper or letter of inquiry to the Journal of Online Trust and Safety for the Conference Proceedings. Should I also submit a presentation application?
Yes. All individuals interested in presenting must submit an application. If your paper is accepted, you will have a guaranteed presentation slot. If your paper is not accepted, you may still be able to get a presentation slot if you submitted an application.
What are the Conference Proceedings?
The Journal of Online Trust and Safety will publish a Conference Proceedings for the Trust and Safety Research Conference. The deadline for peer-reviewed submissions for the 2024 Fall Issue is May 1, 2024. The deadline for editorials and commentaries is August 1, 2024. The issue will be published in September 2024. Submission information here. Last year’s Conference Proceedings can be accessed here. If your peer-reviewed paper or commentary is accepted you will have a guaranteed presentation slot at the conference.