Cheap Speech
Cheap Speech
Tuesday, March 8, 202212:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Pacific)

What can be done consistent with the First Amendment to ensure that American voters can make informed election decisions and hold free elections amid a flood of virally spread disinformation and the collapse of local news reporting? How should American society counter the actions of people like former President Donald J. Trump, who used social media to convince millions of his followers to doubt the integrity of U.S. elections and helped foment a violent insurrection? What can we do to minimize disinformation campaigns aimed at suppressing voter turnout?Join us on March 8 for a book talk with author Rick Hasen, the Chancellor’s Professor of Law and Political Science at the University of California, Irvine in discussion with Cyber Policy Center co-director, Nate Persily on Rick’s newly released book, Cheap Speech.
Note the publisher is offering a 30% discount with code YECS30. Visit for purchase.
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