Call for Proposals: Trust and Safety Research Conference 2023
Call for Proposals: Trust and Safety Research Conference 2023
Apply to present at the Trust and Safety Research Conference! Abstracts due April 30, 2023.

The Stanford Internet Observatory is soliciting presentation proposals for the 2023 Trust and Safety Research Conference, to be held September 28-29, 2023 at Stanford University.
Individuals interested in a research panel, lightning talk, poster, or running a workshop can submit a title and abstract using the following form. Applications are due April 30, 2023. Decisions will be made by May 15, 2023. We welcome submissions on any topic related to online safety, with a particular interest in research that looks at generative artificial intelligence, Web3, trust and safety legislation, social media and well being, and trust and safety in web search. We especially encourage emerging scholars and students to submit.
We encourage applications from individuals working in academia, industry, civil society, and government. We also encourage graduate students to apply to participate in a poster session, which will be held during the happy hour for all attendees.
General conference registration will open in June, 2023.
Applications are now closed.
I would like to present co-authored work at the conference. Should all of us submit an application to present? If accepted, can we present jointly?
The lead author should submit the application form. The application has a place for the lead author to provide the names, emails, and institutional affiliations for coauthors. If the proposal is accepted for a research presentation, two individuals can co-present. If the proposal is accepted for a lightning talk, only one person can present.
I would like to present at the conference. Do I need to submit a paper to the Journal of Online Trust and Safety?
No. Most conference presentations will be from people who do not have an article in the journal.
I submitted a paper or letter of inquiry to the Journal of Online Trust and Safety for the Conference Proceedings. Should I also submit a presentation application?
Yes. All individuals interested in presenting must submit an application. If your paper is accepted, you will have a guaranteed presentation slot. If your paper is not accepted, you may still be able to get a presentation slot if you submitted an application.
What are the Conference Proceedings?
The Journal of Online Trust and Safety will publish a Conference Proceedings for the Trust and Safety Research Conference. The deadline for peer-reviewed paper submissions is April 30, 2023. The commentary deadline is August 1, 2023. Submission information here. Last year’s Conference Proceedings can be accessed here. If your peer-reviewed paper or commentary is accepted you will have a guaranteed presentation slot at the conference.