Judging The Internet: The Supreme Court's Upcoming Cases On Platform Regulation
Judging The Internet: The Supreme Court's Upcoming Cases On Platform Regulation
Friday, February 17, 202310:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Pacific)

Join us February 17th at 10 AM Pacific, for The Supreme Court's Upcoming Cases On Platform Regulation featuring Professor Jack Balkin of Yale Law School's Information Society Project, in conversation with Daphne Keller and Evelyn Douek. The session will be moderated by Nate Persily.
This term, the Supreme Court will consider two groundbreaking cases about platform regulation. The outcome of those cases, Gonzalez and Taamneh, will likely re-set the rules telling platforms when to remove content posted by their users. Two more cases, likely to be heard next term, pose the opposite question. The NetChoice cases, about social media laws enacted in Texas and Florida, ask when lawmakers may prohibit platforms from removing content posted by users. This panel will examine the points of overlap and conflict between the claims in all four cases, and how the Court's resolution may reshape U.S. platform regulation.
About the Speaker
Jack M. Balkin is Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Amendment at Yale Law School. He is the founder and director of Yale's Information Society Project, an interdisciplinary center that studies law and new information technologies. He also directs the Abrams Institute for Freedom of Expression and the Knight Law and Media Program at Yale.