Cyber Policy Center


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Schaake will serve alongside experts from government, private sector and civil society, and will engage and consult widely with existing and emerging initiatives and international organizations, to bridge perspectives across stakeholder groups and networks.

Decentralized social networks may be the new model for social media, but their lack of a central moderation function make it more difficult to combat online abuse.

City authorities are trying out new methods to eliminate 'undesirable' content

The Journal of Online Trust and Safety published peer-reviewed research on privacy, deepfakes, crowd-sourced fact checking, and what influences online searches.

YouTube rabbit holes are rare, but an SIO Scholar finds the platform can still help alternative and extremist channels build audiences.

Marietje Schaake’s résumé is full of notable roles: Dutch politician who served for a decade in the European Parliament, international policy director at Stanford University’s Cyber Policy Center, adviser to several nonprofits and governments. Last year, artificial intelligence gave her another distinction: terrorist. The problem? It isn’t true. (From the New York Times)

Judge's decision on protest anthem puts ball back in government's court. (Published in NIKKEI Asia by Charles Mok)

On July 28, 2023, Stanford University and the Stanford Internet Observatory filed an amicus brief in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of the Missouri v. Biden appellants.

Led by former Prime Minister of New Zealand Rt. Hon. Dame Jacinda Ardern, a delegation from the Christchurch Call joined Stanford scholars to discuss how to address the challenges posed by emerging technologies.

New report finds an increasingly decentralized social media landscape offers users more choice, but poses technical challenges for addressing child exploitation and other online abuse.

This annual competition provides an opportunity for emerging scholars to share new ideas on urgent global policy challenges, producing outstanding essays that make their original research more accessible to policymakers, practitioners, and the general public.

Recent developments suggest possible links between some ransomware groups and the Russian government. We investigate this relationship by creating a dataset of ransomware victims and analyzing leaked communications from a major ransomware group.

From the New York Times, reporting on the Stanford Internet Observatory's recent report: Generative ML and CSAM: Implications and Mitigations

The Stanford Internet Observatory and Thorn find rapid advances in generative machine learning make it possible to create realistic imagery that is facilitating child sexual exploitation.

Tickets on sale for the Stanford Internet Observatory’s Trust and Safety Research to be held September 28-29, 2023. Lock in early bird prices by registering before August 1.

A Stanford Internet Observatory investigation identified large networks of accounts, purportedly operated by minors, selling self-generated illicit sexual content. Platforms have updated safety measures based on the findings, but more work is needed.