Florence G'sell

Florence G'sell headshot

Florence G'sell

  • Visiting Professor, Stanford Cyber Policy Center
  • Director of the Program on Governance of Emerging Technologies


Florence G’sell is a visiting professor of private law at the Cyber Policy Center, where she leads the Program on Governance of Emerging Technologies. She also holds the Digital, Governance, and Sovereignty Chair at Sciences Po (France) and is a professor of private law at the University of Lorraine (currently on leave).

G’sell began her academic career focusing on tort law, judicial systems, and comparative law. In recent years, her work has concentrated on digital law, particularly in the regulation of online platforms, the legal challenges posed by emerging technologies such as blockchain and the metaverse, and the concept of digital sovereignty. Her research spans digital policies in both the EU and the U.S. She has edited and authored several notable works, including Le Big Data et le Droit (Dalloz, 2021) and Justice Numérique (Dalloz, 2022). Her recent publications include  “Les réseaux sociaux, entre encadrement et auto-régulation” (Sciences Po, Digital, Governance and Sovereignty Chair, 2021), “AI Judges” (in Larry A. Dimatteo, Cristina Poncibo, Michel Cannarsa (edit. ), The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Global Perspectives on Law and Ethics, Cambridge University Press, 2022), and “The Digital Services Act: a General Assessment” (in Antje von Ungern-Sternberg (ed.), Content Regulation in the European Union – The Digital Services Act, Institute for Digital Law (IRDT), Trier April 2023). She also co-authored the Council of Europe report entitled “The Impact of Blockchains for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law” (with Florian Martin-Bariteau, 2022).

G’sell graduated from Sciences Po, is admitted to the Paris Bar, and holds a PhD in private law from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She also holds the “agrégation” in private law and criminal sciences. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Chicago and more recently at Stanford University.


October 2024

California’s SB1047 vs EU AI Act: A Comparative Analysis of AI Regulation

California’s SB1047 vs EU AI Act: A Comparative Analysis of AI Regulation
Journal Articles
April 2023

The Digital Services Act (DSA): A General Assessment

The Digital Services Act (DSA): A General Assessment

In The News

teens sitting side by side looking down at their phones

Florence G'sell of the Cyber Policy Center appointed to expert group by Macron

President of France, Emmanuel Macron has announced his intention to regulate minors' access to screens, whether on phones, computers, tablets, or even game consoles. It has brought together a group of experts, including Florence G'sell of the Program on Governance of Emerging Technologies.
Florence G'sell of the Cyber Policy Center appointed to expert group by Macron