Joan Barata

Joan Barata
- Former Intermediary Liability Fellow, Program on Platform Regulation, Cyber Policy Center
Joan Barata works on freedom of expression, media regulation and intermediary liability issues. He teaches at various universities in different parts of the world and has published a large number of articles and books on these subjects, both in academic and popular press. His work has taken him in most regions of the world, and he is regularly involved in projects with international organizations such as UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the Organization of American States or the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, where was the principal advisor to the Representative on Media Freedom. Joan Barata also has experience as a regulator, as he held the position of Secretary General of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia in Spain and was member of the Permanent Secretariat of the Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities.
List of recent publications and blog posts
Academic publications
- Submission regarding the draft IT intermediaries guidelines proposed in India, CIS Blog, January 2019
- New proposal on the prevention of terrorist content online: an important mutation of the e-commerce intermediaries regime, CIS White Paper, October 2018
- Freedom of expression in the Internet: main trends of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, in Pollicino, O., Internet Law and Constitutional Adjudication, London: Routledge, 2015 (with M. Bassini)
- The role of the mass-media in the Spanish transition to democracy and its subsequent consolidation”, in Molnar, P., Turning points in free speech and censorship around the globe, Central European University Press, 2015 (with J. M. Carbonell)
- Los retos de la regulación y los derechos de la audiencia, Cuadernos del audiovisual, 2013
- La libertad de expresión y el papel de los intermediarios en Internet. La Ley Sinde como ejemplo de una problemática global, Esteve Pardo, A., Cuestiones actuales sobre propiedad intelectual, Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2013
- Freedom of expression in Tunisia two years after the Jasmine Revolution, Center for Global Communication Studies Media Wire, University of Pennsylvania, 2013
- Tunisian media under the authoritarian regime of Ben Ali, Guaaybess, T., National Broadcasting and State Policy in Arab Countries London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
- Medios audiovisuales, democracia y regulación, in Revista Jurídica de República Dominicana, 1, 2012
- The different notions of freedom of expression and their connection to democracy, public sphere and other concepts, in Price, M.E. and Verhulst, S., Handbook of Media Law and Policy, London: Routledge, 2012
- Legislators’ and regulators’ expectations in the field of on-demand audiovisual media services, in Iris plus, special issue The regulation of on-demand audiovisual services: chaos or coherence?, 2011
- Political and Media Transitions in Tunisia: A Snapshot of Media Policy and Regulatory Environment, Washington, D.C.: Internews, 2011
- Las nuevas formas de comunicación audiovisual, in Muñoz Machado, S., La nueva Ley General de la Comunicación Audiovisual, Madrid: Iustel, 2011
- Regulation and Co-regulation in the public space 2.0, in Bourcier, D., Casanovas, P., Dulong de Rosnay, M., Caracke, C., Intelligent Multimedia. Managing Creative Wroks in the Digital World, Florence: European Press Academic Publishing, 2010
- Democracia y medios de comunicación. Presupuestos para una reforma del régimen español, Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2016
- New forms of citizen participation. E-participation, in Flogaitis, S., Karpen, U., Masucci, M., E-Government and E-democracy, London: Esperia Publications Ltd., 2006
- Gli aiuti di Stato e il servizio pubblico radiotelevisivo, in Battini, S., Vesperini, G., Lezioni di Diritto Amministrativo Europeo, Milano: Guiffrè Editore, 2006
- Veracidad y objetividad en el tratamiento de la información: reflexiones a partir del tratamiento informativo, por parte de la BBC, del denominado caso Kelly, Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, 69, 2004
- Facebook ya tiene un Tribunal Supremo: que podra hacer ( y que no)su nuevo 'comite de sabios', El Confidencial , May 2020
- Alemania privatiza el control legal de los contenidos, Agenda Publica, El Pais, March 2020
- Regulating content moderation in Europe beyond the AVMSD, Media@LSE blog, February, 2020
- Research on inappropriate, defamatory and hate speech in media content in Montenegro, OSCE 2019.
- Facebook castiga a Netanyahu, Agenda Publica, El Pais, September 2019
- New EU rules on video sharing platforms: will they really work?, Stanford Center for Internet and Society blog, February 2019
- Challenges for audiovisual regulation, InterMEDIA, vol. 44, issue 3, October 2016
- The new Tunisian legislative framework: a focus on press and audiovisual media, Washington D.C.: Internews, 2012
- The concept of net neutrality and the tension between public regulation and the private self-regulation of networks, Quaderns del CAC, 37, 2012
- Viewers, consumers, citizens: audiovisual content and the public interest, Compass - International Regulators Forum Publication, June Issue, 2011